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RagaMuffin kittens are quite easy to care for, but for a new furmom or dad, tips are always helpful!


RagaMuffins have an easy care coat which is fluffy, but generally mat-resistant.  This is because most RagaMuffins lack an undercoat.  Generally, a good once a week brushing is sufficient to keep your RagaMuffin's fur shiny, soft as silk, and tangle free!  Bathing can be done as you feel it necessary, but please use a mild shampoo such as: or a waterless shampoo, like:

RagaMuffin kittens are a fairly large breed, males reaching upwards of 20-25 lbs, females being generally more petite at 10-15 lbs.  They are also slow to mature; a RagaMuffin is 4 years old before they are considered fully matured.  This gives them longevity of life (RagaMuffins have a life expectancy of 20+ years) and keeps them kitten playful for a long time!  RagaMuffins believe that everything on Earth is there for their entertainment, so we must take care to make sure nothing harmful comes into their reach (and remember... they're cats... so their reach is considerably longer than you may think!).  Please researcch your house plants to make sure they aren't harmful to kitties... even hanging ones, cats are VERY resourceful when they get it into their minds that they want something.  Also, beware of any thin linear object such as thread, string, floss, etc... as kitties LOVE to play with things like this, but--if swallowed--it can be fatal.  We lost our precious Hadassah to internal damage done when she swallowed some embroidery floss I was working with.  Even after rushing her to the vet for emergency surgery, it was just too much damage for her to recover.


When the RagaMuffin breed first won my heart, back in 2008, I decided that these sweet babies deserved the absolute best food on the market but, let's face it... I'm not made of money any more than most folks.  So, I began researching on the internet to answer the question: of what would the BEST cat food consist? 

My research showed me that cats are obligate carnivores.  Their systems simply aren't designed to digest or work with a plant based diet.  So, a lot of the store brand cat foods were automatically off the list.  Most of them get their protein from corn, wheat and corn/wheat bi-products like gluten.  So, looking at foods that provide a meat based protein, I found that not all of those are created equal either!  Store brand pet foods are mostly owned by corporations which also make human food.  So, anything that wouldn't be allowed to be used to make their human food products ends up in their pet foods (I won't go into what that often consists of...). 

So, what are we to do when we want to bless our pets?  I found a wonderful answer to that question--Life's Abundance!  This company produces a very high quality HUMAN GRADE pet food (human grade means that nothing the USDA wouldn't allow in human food will be found in this pet food) which is holistically formulated by a nationally known veterinary dietician, Dr. Jane Bicks.  It is made in small batches, packaged and shipped directly to your door--generally within 6 weeks of production!  It has no fillers, no harsh chemical preservatives, but it DOES have something very important that most pet foods don't:  pre-and pro-biotics!  The good microflora that you get from eating quality yogurts which helps keep our 'Muffins' digestion working optimally. 

Life's Abundance Cat Food is over 97% bioavailable; which means that when your kitty eats it, over 97% is immediately available to run a healthy kitty.  It also means that less than 3% ends up in the litterbox for you to have to scoop. =)  This remainder is fiber to keep kitty's digestive system clear of blockages.  I have researched the food, I've researched the company (it's NEVER had a recall in its over 12 years of operation) and I feel that, for the price, this is the BEST choice out there.  It's what we feed our kitties and, if you keep feeding it to your BlessedHope kitty we will extend the health warranty for 5 years instead of our usual 2!  You may do your own research at www.lifesabundance/blessedpets.  There are many informative articles and videos on the site and a page where you can compare it to other leading brands of food to see both price and ingredient comparisons.